Friday, December 6, 2013

PreView Day ... Introductory Speech ... PLUS HOMEWORK due the first day of class

Today in class you will interview a person class. You will find out 3 words that others would use to describe them and 3 words that they would use to describe themselves. I will give you 5 minutes to have a conversation about this and to take notes.

Each of you will be given 2 minutes to introduce your partner to the class.

1. Purchase 3x5 note cards for "speech props". Or make 3x5 cards out of printer paper

2. Bookmark this blog

3. Bring in an object from home (or a photograph of the object if it is precious) that has meaning to you. Prepare a 2-3 minute speech (you will write your notes on 3x5 note cards) that uses this special object to help introduce yourself to your classmates.

You need to practice your speech so that you do not go over or under the time limit. You want to practice your speech so you do NOT rely on your notes. READING your speech is NOT allowed.

Welcome to SPEECH with Ms. MacVay

We will have a great time in SPEECH CLASS. January will be a month of learning how to research, learning new words, and becoming familiar with different methods of communication. We will spend class time researching and giving speeches. We will be a good audience for our peers and give PEP Feedback. We will become more and more comfortable speaking to a group of people! I look forward to sharing this month with you!