Monday, January 29, 2018

Speech MONDAY and TUESDAY 1-29 and 1-30

Monday Hour 1 = Mingle/Eat/Story Tell with another class ... then share stories. (Bagels and Fruit)

Hour 2: Library

Hour 3 and 4: Courage Speech with GUEST JUDGES

TUESDAY: GROUP GOOD SPEECHES with other class ... all 4 hours.

1 more How To Speech ... food related!
Turn in Course Selection Paperwork - SIGNED and COMPLETED in your handwriting

Friday, January 26, 2018

Speech Friday 1-26-18

Today we started HOUR 1 -2-3 with RESEARCH SPEECHES (and the final video / reflection) and also completed How To Speeches. ONE FINAL HOW TO SPEECH (FOOD related ... scheduled for Wed 1-31-18)

We wrote thank-you notes for the TOASTMASTERS presentation yesterday.

Hour 4 we were in the library.

We start with a collaboration with another speech class for the first hour.
Hour 2: Final hour in library ... ALL GROUP speeches will present on TUESDAY 1-30-18
Hour 3 and 4: Speeches in the classroom with guest judges each hour.

Group Speech collaboration with other class

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Speech Wednesday and Thursday

Speech Wednesday we followed the outline I previewed on Tuesday.

Thursday we have a guest speaker ... we will have a TOASTMASTERS MEETING

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Speech Tuesday 1-23-18

Hour 1 we discussed COLLEGES and what we learned on Naviance we started to discuss CH. 4 of our text ... continued that Hour 3


Hour 3 and 4
Finished Discussing CH. 4 of our text
Completed OLYMPIC SPEECHES ... Video ... Reflections
How To Speeches continued
Groups for GOOD SPEECH assigned

  • poem at attendance time
  • paper return
  • Complete Health and Wellness
  • 1 RESEARCH + Video + Reflection
  • 1 hour in library

Monday, January 22, 2018

Speech Monday 1-22-18

Hour 1:
Students shared Career ideas
UM Police "Hired" to note use of filler words today
Students shared Olympics or Health and Wellness Speeches

Hour 2: Library Research

Hour 3: Olympic Speeches...Video

Hour 4:
Watch video-taped speeches and write reflection
Health and Wellness + How-To Speeches

Friday, January 19, 2018

Speech Friday 1-19-18

Hour 1: 
Practice Concise Speaking and Tips for PEP Feedback
Olympic Speeches/Video

Hour 2: Library Research Time

Hours 3 and 4:
Health and Wellness Speeches
How To Speeches
Reflection #1
Those Videotaped Hour 1 watch their speech and write reflection

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Speech Thursday 1-18-18

Hour 1 we watched The 9-11 Boatlift linked on the discussion page of the class canvas page. We discussed what COURAGE MEANS.

Assignment: In the library HOUR 2 ... look at the guidelines for COURAGE SPEECH and RESEARCH SPEECH ... pick a topic for 1 today ... both by tomorrow.

Hour 2: Library research ... made sure to write down proquest password

Hour 3: Olympic Speeches ... Video Also

Hour 4: Health and Wellness Speeches. Those that were videotaped hour 3 watched video and completed reflection.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Speech Day 7

Hour 1 we discussed ICEBREAKERS .... we continued "What is your favorite TV Show" and then wrote about, and discussed:

If you had 5 minutes to pack a suitcase and leave your house, what 5 items would you take and why? Also, what item would you carry in your free hand?

Hour 2 Library

Hour 3 and 4
Discuss Course Registration
Best Food + Health and Wellness Speeches

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Speech Day 6

Hour 1 and 2:
PSAT Results were returned by the counselor
I returned the Best Food Written work ... 1 day extension on Health and Wellness if people want "one more review"
We discussed non-verbal communication and how to talk so that people want to listen (TED TALKS)
We completed a What's Going On In This Picture VTS Routine.

Hours 3 and 4
Health and Wellness Speeches


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Speech Day 4 and 5

Day 4

Hour 1: We finished introducing our favorite book and listened to a few Best Food Speeches
We also started picking Olympic Speeches, Health and Wellness, and How To (done with all by the end of the day)

Hour 2: Library Research Time

Hour 3 and 4: Best Food Speeches and Jokes

Day 5:

Hour 1-3-4 In Class... Jokes and Food Bank Speeches
Hour 2 Library Research Time
I WILL BE ABSENT - my husband is having surgery out of town.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Day 3

Hour 1:
We looked at the SAHS homepage to find the curriculum guide and service hours form
We discussed the Naviance Learning Style Inventory and how understanding the information can help us achieve our academic goals

Hour 2:
Library Research for Food Bank Speech

Hours 3 and 4:
Share Favorite Book
Announce Speeches for next week ... topics need to be chosen TOMORROW

Speech Day 2 .... FOOD BANK

Thank you for working as a team and helping the community!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Welcome to Speech January 2018 Edition!


Today we started with Food Bank Volunteer reminders for tomorrow:
Drop Off 8:40
Pick Up NO LATER THAN 11:30 (we are locked out of the building at that time)

A copy of the speech rubric was given out and discussed
We read about Teen Sleep and Nutrition in CHOICES MAGAZINE ... practicing reading for meaning/intonation, etc.

I am grateful for ...

We looked through text pages 332-333

Hour 2 and 3: 
We discussed the Journal Topic

We listened to introductions about the family object that was brought in
We discussed upcoming speeches ... picked topics for BEST FOOD and FOOD BANK

Hour 4: Naviance Training in the Library ... print out documents for Wednesday ... this is a grade.