Thursday, January 15, 2015

College/University Speech

Our Next Speech…Research Colleges/Universities

Come Prepared to present Thursday 1-22-15

•YOU MUST use Prezi for your VISUAL AIDE
•Notes on INDEX CARDS WILL be collected ( _____/ 10 points)
•Time: 7-10 minutes

•Where do you start? Naviance is a good place. Also look at US News and World Report College Rankings.

•Let us know why that school seems interesting to you!

•Let us know what classes you need at SAINTS to have a chance of getting accepted to the school.

•Research a college/university that you would like to attend as an UNDERGRADUATE. (NOTE…what is the difference between those 2 words?)
o Where is it located?
o What are the admission requirements?
o Is it a small, medium, or large school?
o Is it a public or private school?
o What is the tuition?
o Notable alumni/alumnae from the school?

• THEN … research a potential major that you may wish to have while in college.
o If that was your major…what classes must you take? What potential jobs could you
have after graduation? Would you need to also have a graduate degree?

Oral Presentation Graded Based on Standard Speech Rubric

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