Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 Speech Day 1 - January 4, 2016

Today Books were passed out and we began to discuss Speech Do's and Dont's

Use Precise Language
Do use Gestures to Enhance...careful not to over do it
Do Pronounce words clearly
Do Make Eye Contact
Do Make your speech interesting
Do have power in your voice

Fill space with words (like, um, so)
Be unprepared
Use excess movement

We discussed Non-Verbal Communication ... BE A GOOD AUDIENCE, BE PRESENT IN THE MOMENT

We read about Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in our Text - p. 332

We looked at grading rubric

We read New York Times Upfront Articles and Watched Change for a Dollar (YouTube Video)

Upcoming Work: Posted on Canvas
Tuesday Intro Speech
Wednesday How To Speech
Thursday Best Food Speech
Friday...Favorite Book

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