Monday, January 2, 2017

Courage Informative Speech

We will spend an hour in the library the first week. During that hour we will use the library resources to find articles about COURAGEOUS PEOPLE.


THE GOAL: learn to discern between SCHOLARLY research and simple searches that are not adequate for academic work.

THE END RESULT: You will define courage based on the dictionary definition and well as your interpretation of the term. You will find THREE articles about the person on ProQuest, CQ Researcher, or a scholarly website (a .edu or .gov). You will active read the articles to find out what information the articles have in common and what they teach you about the person. Remember each author has his or her own "angle". You will prepare a 5 minute speech to share your knowledge with your peers. Due...Monday 1-8-17.

Written Requirement: You will write a well-written essay in MLA format explaining reasons why this person is courageous. You will include a Works Cited Page in MLA format (see Purdue's OWL for assistance).
Essay Guidelines: 250 words (list in parenthesis after last word), double spaced (this means about 1 page), and a minimum of three intro, body, and conclusion.
Your Essay will have a thesis (a roadmap to keep your paper organized) in paragraph one. A sample thesis for this assignment would be:
______________ is a courageous person for the following reasons: (list them).
            (in the body paragraph(s) explain why he or she is courageous)
Grading Rubric for WRITTEN PORTION:
+ _________/ 20 Thorough Details about why this person is courageous
+ _________/ 10 MLA format is used for IN-TEXT CITATIONS as well as Works Cited Page
+ ________ / 5 Essay is a minimum of 3 paragraphs, double spaced, Word Count is listed and on target, and uses Times New Roman 12 Point Font

Visual Requirement: Picture of Person...send me an email ( with his/her picture (attachment)

This is just a list of suggestions of courageous people, please confirm your person with me to avoid overlap in our presentations:

1. Helen Keller
2. Rosa Parks
3. Martin Luther King, Jr.
4. Irene Gut Opdyke
5. Irena Sendler
6. Jan Karski
7. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
8. Thomas Jefferson
9. Nelson Mandela
10. Mother Teresa
11. Maximilian Kolbe
12. George Orwell
13. Mahatma Gandhi.
14. Chiune Sugihara
15. Desomnd Tutu
16. Dali Lama
17. Amelia Earhart
18. Martin Niemöller
19. Sophie Scholl
20. Olaudah Equiano
21. Frederick Douglass
22. Leonardo da Vinci
23. Malala Yousafzai
24. Mikhail Gorbachev
25. Louis Zamperini
26. Socrates
27. Winston Churchill
28. Arthur Ashe
29. Aristides de Sousa Mendes
30. John McCain
31. Susan B. Anthony
32. Harriett Tubman
33. Bennet Ifeakandu Omalu

Homework Part 1: Prepare above speech/written portion for Monday 1-8-16
Homework Part 2: Read Chapter 4 of your speech book for Monday 1-8-16

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