Friday, January 24, 2014


Interview a grandparent, family friend, or neighbor that is near the age of your grandparents.

Interview Topics to Pick From....Pick 1....

Due Wednesday 1-29-14 before class begins

Topic Choice #1:
Ask them to tell you about historical events that happened in their lifetime.

Ask them to share with you the person, in their lifetime, they think made the greatest impact on the world. Have them explain the impact of this person.

The interview should be about 10 minutes.

Topic Choice #2:
Ask them to tell you about their views on how technology has changed the way people communicate.

Ask them to share with you the technological invention that occurred in their lifetime that had the greatest impact on the world. Have them explain how the invention changed the world, in their opinion.

The interview should be about 10 minutes.

Topic Choice #3:
Ask them to tell you about the cities in which they have lived or visited. What did they learn from travel? Are there other places they wish to visit?

This interview should be 10 minutes.

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