Monday, January 6, 2014

Speech Day 1

Today we will spend an hour in the library. During that hour we will use the library resources to find articles about HEALTH and NUTRITION.

THE GOAL: learn to discern between SCHOLARLY research and simple searches that are not adequate for academic work.

THE END RESULT: You will find three articles about the same topic related to HEALTH and NUTRITION. You will active read the articles to find out what information the articles have in common. You will prepare a 3-5 minute speech to share your knowledge with your peers.

This is just a list of suggestions, please confirm your topic with me to avoid overlap in our presentations:
1. How to stay safe when the windchill is below zero?
2. What is a gluten free diet and why must some people adhere to it?
3. What is a casein free diet and why must some people adhere to it?
4. What is a vegan diet vs a vegetarian diet?
5. From, look under healthy eating tips and research the tips for eating healthy while eating out.
6. From, look under healthy eating and research tips for food safety.
7. The health benefits of eating breakfast.
8. Post workout nutrition/hydration.
9. What is heat stroke? What steps can be taken to avoid heat stroke while exercising?
10. What are superfoods? Why are these foods considered superfoods? (HINT: Start here)
11. What is the difference between natural sugars and refined sugar? Which is better for one to consume?
12. What foods are best to eat prior to a workout/game to prepare the body for competition?
13. Are energy drinks healthy choices?
14. The positive and negative effects of caffeine on the body.
15. What does the term GMO (genetically modified ingredients) mean to me? What are GMOs and where do they show up in our food? Are they good for us? Should we avoid them? (HINT: Start Here)
16. Are antibacterial hand sanitizers all they are advertised to be? (Hint...start here)
17. How much sleep does the body need to recover and repair in preparation fr the next day? Does this amount of sleep change as one ages? What is the target amount of sleep for YOUR AGE GROUP?
18. What does it mean if a product is labeled ORGANIC? Why does it matter?
19. There are many choices when one goes into the grocery store to buy milk? What is the difference, nutritionally, between cow's milk (low vitamin D), Almond milk, Coconut Milk, and Soy Milk?
20. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat? Which is the "better" fat?

HOMEWORK PART 1: Prepare this speech for THURSDAY. You may use 1-3 3X5 note cards or notes. You need to turn in a written draft of your speech in MLA format....with in-text citations and a works cited page (tips on MLA format here)

HOMEWORK PART 2: DUE TUESDAY Bring in your FAVORITE BOOK or a picture of the cover of your favorite book. This book could be your favorite because you remember it being read to you as a child. It could be your favorite because it was the first book you read on your own. It could be your favorite because you liked/identified with a character. You may have liked the plot or the way the book stretched your imagination. You will share this book with your peers. The book or printed image of the book will be your visual notes will be used. Target time: 3 minutes.

HOMEWORK PART 3: Read Chapter 4 of your speech book

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